How We Work - WLP
"Welcome to the Wirral Learning Partnership (WLP) website. The purpose of the site is to provide information on WLP activities and to act as an information resource for those engaged or interested in the partnerships activities.
Members of WLP will be able to join discussions around key themes and priorities for Wirral. For the wider community there is a wide range of resources that you can access. We hope that the site will support the work you are doing in the arena of learning and that through this partnership working on the Wirral will be strengthened."
Cllr. Phil Davies,Chair,Wirral Learning Partnership (September 2005)This site is available for reference only. It is no longer subject to review and update.
Wirral Learning Partnership has now amalgamated with Wirral Thriving Local Economy Partnership to form Wirral Economic Development Strategic Partnership.
For further information about WEDS partnership contact Christine Sakhardande 0151 346 6615
Online Resources for Adult Education on Wirral
Learningwirral -
The Learningwirral website at offers easy to use search facilities for signposting the way to adult education learning opportunities on the Wirral.
A wide variety of training courses are included as well as content relating to work-based learning, skills development, job types, sector skills, progression routes and articles relating to local projects that will be of interest.
ASPIRE is about inspiring people to raise their aspirations and to take action that will lead to getting the skills they need for work. Visit the ASPIRE website to learn more.
The Grapevine -
The Grapevine website at will give you information about activities in your local community that focus on improving peoples skills; giving people the opportunity to try something new and personal development in general. It's all about adult learning in its widest sense.