Finding your way around the site

Welcome to the WLP website. We want to help you to get the most out of our site.

To find out more about WLP and its activities visit the site's Home page and visit the items located under the menus on the left hand side of the screen.

Some of the sites main features are located by the links underneath the site banner. Here you will find links to the Home page,News,Meetings, Resources and the site's Search and Help options.

The Resource option includes a wide range of papers and files that will be of interest to the learning community.

The Search option includes a number of ways to find content you are interested in. Choices are available for finding content on this site or on the web.

The items located down the right-hand side are of a more light hearted nature such as the Lunch Break option.

We trust you enjoy your visit.


News Headline

LearningwirralVisit the new website for Wirral residents providing comprehensive information on adult learning opportunities on the Wirral.


"Everyone lives by selling something.""
Robert Louis Stevenson, British novelist (1850-1895)

Lunch Break

LaughsQuiz CornerFun FactsMore