Have Your Say - Terms of Use

You agree to use the Have Your Say service in accordance with the following rules.

About your contributions

  1. Contributions must be civil and tasteful.
  2. No disruptive,offensive or abusive behaviour:contributions must be constructive and polite,not mean spirited or contributed with the intension of causing trouble.
  3. No unlawful or objectionable content: unlawful,harassing,defamatory,abusive,threatening,harmful,abscene,profane,sexually orientated,racially offensive or otherwise objectionable material is not acceptable.
  4. No spamming or off-topic material: we don't allow the submission of the same or very similar contributions many times. Do not sunbmit comments that are unrealted to the associated topic.
  5. No advertising.
  6. No impersonation.
  7. Contributions containing languages other than English will not be published.
  8. No inappropriate (e.g vulagr,offensive) names or titles.


We advise that you never reveal any personal information about yourself or anyone else (for example: telephone number,home address or email address) and please do not include postal addresses of any kind.

About the law:

  1. You may not submit any defamatory or illegal material of any nature.This includes text,graphics, video,programs or audio.
  2. Contributing material with the intension of commiting or promoting an illegal act is strictly prohibited.
  3. You agree to submit contributions that are your own work. You must not violate,plagiarise or infringe the rights of third parties including copyright,trade mark,trade secrets,privacy,publicity,personal or proprietary rights.
  4. The views expressed by your contributions are not necessarily those of the Wirral Learning Partnership.

If you breach these terms of use

  1. If you send offensive or inappropriate comments or otherwise engage in disruptive behaviour on this site and WLP considers such behaviour to be serious and/or repeated, WLP may use whatever information that is available about you to stop any further infringements. This may include informing relevant third parties such as your employer or email provider about the infringement/s.
  2. WLP reserves the right to edit, delete or not publish any contribution or to take action against any account at any time for any reason.


  1. If there is any conflict between these terms and specific terms appearing elsewhere on this website then the latter shall prevail.
  2. If any of these terms are deemed to be illegal. invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of any state or country in which these terms are intended to be effective, then to the extent and within the jurisdiction in which that term is illegal,invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from these terms and the remaining items shall survive, remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.
  3. These terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.


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LearningwirralVisit the new website for Wirral residents providing comprehensive information on adult learning opportunities on the Wirral.


"And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more."
Erica Jong, US author, poet (b.1942)

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