WLP Board Meeting Schedule

Schedule of the WLP Board meetings for 2005-2006. The minutes of previous WLP meetings can be found in the Resources area of the website.

Check this page prior to the meetings to pick up the latest agenda, obtain copies of any relevant papers or note any special meeting instructions.

Meetings Schedule
Month Meeting Day Further Information
October 2005 11th Wallasey Town Hall
Start 11:00 End 12:30
January 2006 10th Start 9:30 End 11:30
April 2006 25th Board & Executive Joint Strategy
Start 9:30 End 11:30
July 2006 11th Start 9:30 End 11:30
October 2006 3rd Start 9:30 End 11:30
January 2007 9th Start 9:30 End 11:30
April 2007 24th Board & Executive Joint Strategy
Start 9:30 End 11:30
July 2007 10th Start 9:30 End 11:30


News Headline

Learningwirral coursesUpdated entries for adult training courses on Wirral. Visit www.learningwirral.org.uk to search for new course information.


"It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them."
Alfred Adler, Austrian psychiatrist (1870-1937)

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