How We Work - About WLP

The Wirral Learning Partnership (WLP) is a strategic collaboration between organisations involved in education, training and work-force development. WLP is the thematic partnership for learning within the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP). Cllr Phil Davies chairs the Learning Partnership and is the LSP Learning Champion.


Summary table of WLP Partners
Partner Organisations of Wirral Learning Partnership
Wirral Metropolitan College
Birkenhead Sixth Form College
Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council
Wirral Voluntary and Community Sector Network
Wirral Voluntary Sector Training Network
Wirral Learning Providers Network
Wirral Association of Secondary Heads
Job Centre Plus
Learning and Skills Council
Wirral Association of Secondary Heads (Special Schools)
Primary Heads Consultation Group
Thriving Local Economy Partnership

Working closely with the Learning and Skills Council (Greater Merseyside) we are committed to integrating approaches to the developing 14-19 curriculum, lifelong learning strategies and skills development in the local and regional workforce.

Since 2000, when Wirral Learning Partnership began operating, all the major providers of education and training in Wirral - Schools/Wirral Metropolitan College/Birkenhead 6th Form College/ Wirral Training Providers/Wirral Lifelong learning Service - have been working together to establish and sustain a culture of lifelong learning that enables all members of the community to reach their full potential.

Following a strategic review of Wirral Learning Partnership during Spring 2005, a strategic plan has been developed that includes a restructuring of Wirral Learning Partnership. The new structure allows representation from other thematic partnerships. It has been agreed that a representative from the Thriving Local Economy Group will join WLP Board. This will strengthen cross partnership work. The new structure also formalises the link between WLP and the emerging Children and Young People’s Service.

Wirral Learning Partnership Board,Executive & Funding Group

WLP Board is responsible for strategy, policies and the effective working of the partnership.
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Action Theme Champions & Children & Young People Champion

Action Theme Champion will be nominated by the WLP Board and will sit on the WLP executive. The champions will change dependent on the action themes identified as priorities by the WLP Board.
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Wirral Learning Community

Wirral Learning Community (WLC) is a WLP delivery project that aims to help people link up to learning in their communities.
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News Headline

LearningwirralVisit the new website for Wirral residents providing comprehensive information on adult learning opportunities on the Wirral.


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