What We Do - Action Themes

Introducing the Action Theme Champions

Get to know the individuals who will take the 2005-2006 action themes forward.
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Action Themes 2005-2006

The action themes 2005-2006 are:


These themes were identified during the strategic review of the Learning Partnership.  It is recognised that focussing on these themes is essential if the important issue of worklessness, which is a priority for the Local Strategic Partnership is to be tackled.


The Employability Skills theme is underpinned by the need to develop the link between learning and employment and to be more effective at addressing the skills needs of local employers.


The Adult Skills theme focuses on engaging people in learning; addressing basic skills: literacy, numeracy and IT; and the significant variation in qualifications levels across Wirral.


The Enterprise Skills theme recognises the need to create an entrepreneurial culture in Wirral and drive development of enterprise skills within our local communities.

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"Confidence is believing you have something to teach; arrogance is the belief you have nothing to learn."
Dale Dauten, US newspaper columnist (b.1950)

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